In South Pasadena there is an intersection that literally
has an 8ft Fork statue. It is that fork in the road.
As we passed through security, it felt like that big fork in
our family’s journey. Yogi Berra is credited with a proverb “If you come to a
fork in the road, take it!”
Well, after we recombobulated post-security, Geneva grabbed
her little roller and wanted to pull it through the terminal. She was taking off, no looking back for this
little one. There have been times when I’ve felt guilty about taking her away
from BFF’s, loving aunties, her access to Angry Birds, endless hugs, and super
supporting grandparents.
But her confidence and Forward! Determination through LAX was awesome. I know this picture is a bit too blurry for my tastes. But
it felt like a Pixar montage. I know that in her life I will always look back
and realize how Geneva’s enthusiasm soothed our parental guilt. It also made me realize just how much God
loves us to send His child into this broken world to serve us. Empathy with God is not something we should
strive for because it will take us to some dangerous places… but understanding
God’s love for us as a loving father made sense to me today. I hear God saying
“Just so you’re not confused Sterling and Emi… "
When we arrived in Japan after our 11.5 hours of travel, we
had to put ourselves back together. Emi did great on the flight, even though I
know it was hard for her to have the morning sickness in a confined flight
cabin. She’s tougher than she realizes.
It was finally time to go through immigration at Narita. We
walked up to the counter, Sterling (check) Emi (check) and now Geneva… somehow
her passport was labeled as a ‘missionary worker’ instead of a dependant. She
had the same status as Emi and I. So just in-case we didn’t hear God the first time, he was making it known “Just so
you’re not confused Sterling and Emi… Genenva’s role, your roles, and your
family role are ALL combined. One is not greater than the other. One is not
more important, they are combined and unified.”
“Just so you’re not confused Sterling and Emi and Geneva…”
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