Thursday, August 28, 2014

A2-SIM Strategic Partnership

The major reason we came home this summer was to attend missionary training in Charlotte, North Carolina.  

Emi shares our families calling at Chapel Time

Sterling and Nick Riddle practice the Evanga-CUBE. The Riddles are serving in Nigeria at a medical clinic

At one of our church events, someone asked, “do you guys do everything in partnernships?” I realized that YES- everything; ministry, marriage, parenting, language learning is done in partnerships. Our sending mission agency is no different. Asian Access has formed a partnership with SIM to send missionaries to Japan.SIM is a mission agency, with over 100 years of training and sending missionaries around the globe. In fact, SIM is at the front lines of the recent Ebola response team in West Africa. While we were there in June, the first prayer request emerged for their medical missions team.

In N.Carolina we received a warm welcome from Faith (center) & Stan DeLa Cour (not pictured). The DeLa Cours are family friends and former long-time missionaries with A2.  Faith now heads missionary care for all SIM-USA.

Bruce Johnson (right) is the president of SIM USA, and a former A2 board member. While we were there, we learned of SIM’s front line response to Ebola for SIM’s missionaries in Africa. Please pray for both of them and the people in Africa. SIM has spent over 1 million in response to this human medical tragedy. Read more at

"Did A2 and SIM merge?”  This is the most common question- NO, they decided to meet the global calling by working together.  SIM will handle the organizational and financial matters, while Asian Access will continue to partner with pastors and missionaries to serve in Japan.

"When do you change?”  By Oct 1, SIM will handle our financial support. A2 will transfer remaining ministry funds to SIM USA. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns on this change.

"What does this mean?"  It means that going forward you will see our materials with both organizations’ logos.
  All financial checks, credit card, or web payments will go throughSIM USA.  However, we will not change churches, and our duties remain the same. 

 We cannot continue our term without this transition as the cost of supporting missionaries in Japan is too burdensome for a ministry the size of Asian Access. We are excited to be SIM-Asian Access missional partners as we get to be part of a large global family impacting the world for good. During our training meetings we met P-Nut from MN, and the McKenzie family from NC. They are the next SIM-A2 missionaries coming to Japan.  We prayed with other new friends who are setting down their lives to serve around the globe.  One couple in particular connected with our family. Geneva excitedly ran over each morning to see if they were awake.  She soon upgraded her hair  to fancy braids in the morning and received private ballet lessons.  We are blessed to count new friends and mentors as part of the larger community of missions.